I will always enjoy making cutting boards, serving boards, river, boards, charcuterie, boards, etc. However, towards the end of last year, I became interested in making bowls. I started off using my drill press, and came up with some pretty nice products. From there, I figured it would be a natural progression to learn how to turn bowls on a lathe. I signed up for a turning course offered by the woodworking school based at the local Woodcraft store. I started Googling “lathe accidents” and quickly came down with a case of cold feet. Woodcraft was nice enough to refund my tuition in full when they were able to fill my spot in the course. I then invested about $20 in a beautifully illustrated book that caught my attention dealing with making bowls using a scroll saw. It seemed to be a much safer technique. As one YouTube woodworker put it, any cuts, sustained while using a scroll saw are “Band-Aid cuts.“ I have started making a few prototypes using plywood, and the process seems to be as easy as the author of the book, Carole Rothman, advertised. It really is nice to see how is relatively small scrap avoid can turn into a three-dimensional object with very little waste. I actually sent an email to Carole with some questions, and she was nice enough to provide me with a prompt and thorough response. Stay tuned…